End of summer
As the summer winds down, lots of kids have gone back to school and some of us are looking forward to hoodies weather. My beautiful partner, Carmen, and I have opened our own office as we begin to offer support to clients throughout the childbearing year. She is an amazing soul who lifts people up and works tirelessly to connect people in the community. Together, we strive to offer holistic, respectful and appropriate care to people.
It is also scary to be at this place where we can start to DO “all the things” we have talked about and dreamed of for years. We love working and laughing together. We have spent hours chatting on the phone - sometimes from the comfort of our respective homes and other times as one of us drives wearily home from a long birth. We look forward to empowering others to grow and become the best birth workers they can be!
A client reached out to me the other day and shared that she wanted to get more of a sense of “who I am” from my website. This is difficult for me to address, as I am a rather private person. I suppose that in some ways I am a people-loving introvert. I have heard this description from many. For me, this means that I love and appreciate others. At the same time, I find interactions to be draining; I need time at home to recharge.
I also suspect that I am an empath who is learning to set better boundaries for my own well-being. I feel others’ emotions deeply. This is both a blessing and a curse. I am constantly working on adding more grace, compassion and self-care to my inner life. My family, friends, clients and colleagues are gifts. I am grateful for this life and all that I have learned along the way. I like fresh air & sunshine, mountains and water, free time & spontaneity. How about your?