varied experiences

This past Wednesday afternoon, I received one of those last minute calls. The mother of the pregnant gal was seeking doula support for an impending hospital induction. These cases are notoriously challenging, as induction often means Pitocin (synthetic oxytocin). The intensity of contractions brought on by “Pit” frequently necessitates an epidural. After that, the tubes and wires just keep coming - continuous electronic fetal monitoring, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, Foley catheter, etc.

In this instance, the laboring mother was amazing and worked well with a long labor. The nurses and doctors at Barnes-Jewish St. Louis were fantastic! They never failed to explain things and obtain mom’s permission before doing anything. I was genuinely impressed by their support and encouragement. When my backup doula arrived Friday morning, I would have bet money that my client would be having a C-section sometime that day. Baby’s heart rate dipped periodically - a sign that he might not tolerate labor for much longer.

However, labor and birth never fail to surprise us! Momma was complete and ready to go by early afternoon. She pushed her baby out in short order, and both are doing fantastic! We just never know what women are capable of, and what lessons life and labor have to teach us. Thank you, clients, for reaching out to me and allowing me to be a part of your life-changing experiences. I am grateful for each opportunity to connect and support you!


research for the day


the Spanish language