Our last baby!
It seems fitting today to complete my posts about my own babies, since #5 (6) turned 25 yesterday. It’s been an incomparable joy and privilege to have my sons. At the same time, being a mother is exhausting. It stretches us in every which way imaginable - and then some. Many of us end up hoping we just didn’t mess up too badly.
Our last baby was a surprise to us. I suspect that a number of us living today were surprises for our parents (I know I was). I discovered that we were expecting on our youngest’s first birthday. Due to my own struggles to balance all the demands of life and be a great mom to my kids, I was not sure how I could take proper care of another little one.
God was gracious and patient with me. As a family we adjusted and prepared for boy #5. My labor with him was honestly the most difficult yet. I remember thinking that if I could have walked to the local hospital, I would have marched right in there and requested a stat C-section. I prayed for mercy and grace, and my prayers were answered with the most beautiful, sweet-tempered, beautiful blue-eyed blond haired child.
We strove to maintain consistency, high standards and an atmosphere of unconditional love for our kids. We raised them to know Christ as the Author and Creator of their lives. This youngest child was, in large part, raised by his four brothers - in addition to his father and me. He knew he was loved and treasured. He is now a grown married man who also values God’s sovereignty in his life.
I am grateful for all that my children have taught me about life and love. Some lessons have filled my heart to bursting with joy, and some have gutted me. They are each their own souls, sent by God, for us to walk alongside for a short period of time. I am infinitely proud of each of them as they navigate this life as grown men. Being their mom has been my greatest joy!